One question that I'm asked frequently is, "Why don't you have a boyfriend?" Well, it's a pretty simple answer.......I don't need one.For only being 19, I know that my experience with relationships isn't at a high level. Mostly because the longest relationship I've had was only 8 months, but that's kind of irrelevant. Looking at couples and the way they interact with each other is beautiful. You can always tell when the feelings are real, and just aren't forced to be there because your group of friends want you together or just the simple fact that you just don't want to be alone anymore. I know a lot of individuals my age have that problem. And if you do, being single is the best way to go. When you're single, you have the opportunity to work on yourself and be your own person. You have the opportunity to meet more people and not have the guilty conscience of what your significant other might think or will he/she be mad. I believe that when you're this young, you have the chance to build yourself up and live freely while you can. There are so many beautiful people in this world, and so many experiences to be sought out.
In this day & age, a big chunk of significant others are easily manipulative and jealous. And a lot people get so caught up with it they forget to live. And when you are know longer seeing this person, you might forget who you were to begin with. There are several of couples who are outgoing and don't have this problem at all. That's love.
I'm having a blast doing my own thing, building myself up, and focusing on myself. I believe that so many people are so caught up in trying to get into a relationship that they're missing out on life. I have a full-time job, I'm a full-time student, and I blog & model on the side. So, I don't quite have time for a committed relationship. I dislike the feeling of being clinged to (if that's even a word), or always being micromanaged. And plus, I haven't exactly found someone who I'm infatuated with. And that is perfectly okay. I enjoy being around my friends, or going to the beach by myself, and meeting new people! Yes I do have those days or even weeks where I'm feeing lonely, or telling myself that I'm never going to find love. But that's where my best friends come in. I'm also a girl, girls always overreact like that. And there's a part of my past that I'm afraid guys won't be able to look pass. But then again, everyone has a past.